BookBob User Guide


BookBob is a desktop application tailored for Dr Bob’s private General Practitioner clinic. BookBob helps streamline clinic management by storing and retrieving patient information, including names, NRICs, genders, dates of birth, phone numbers, home addresses, allergies, medical histories and detailed visit records with diagnoses and prescribed medications. BookBob also assists Dr Bob in staying organised by tracking daily appointments and sending reminders each morning. Optimised for a Command Line Interface (CLI), BookBob enables efficient management of patient information and appointment scheduling.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 17 installed in your computer.
  2. Download the latest BookBob.jar file from here.
  3. Copy the file to your desired home folder for BookBob where you would like to run it from.
  4. Open a command prompt or terminal, navigate to the folder containing BookBob.jar, and execute the command : java -jar BookBob.jar
    The following output would be shown :Welcome to BookBob, Dr. Bob!



  1. Extra Input After Commands: Additional input provided after expected inputs for commands such as list, listAppointments, help and exit will be treated as unknown commands.
  2. Extra Spaces After Commands: Additional spaces after expected inputs for commands such as list, listAppointments, help and exit will be ignored.
  3. Case Sensitivity for Commands: Commands are case-sensitive. Ensure correct lowercase for commands e.g. list instead of LIST, and mixed-case for e.g. addVisit instead of addvisit
  4. Case Sensitivity for Commands Prefixes: Command Prefixes are case-sensitive. Ensure correct lowercase for commands prefixes E.g. “n/”, “ic/”, instead of “N/”, “IC/”

Viewing Help

Shows the available list of commands and some guiding information.

Format: help

| Action      | Format                                | Example                         |
| Help        | help                                  | help                            |
| Add         | add n/NAME ic/NRIC [p/PHONE_NUMBER]   | add n/James Ho ic/S9534567A     |
|             | [d/DIAGNOSIS] [m/MEDICATION]          | p/91234567 d/Asthma m/Albuterol |
|             | [ha/HOME_ADDRESS] [dob/DATE_OF_BIRTH] | ha/NUS-PGPR dob/31-01-1990      |
|             | [v/VISIT_DATE_TIME] [al/ALLERGY]      | v/21-10-2024 15:48 al/Pollen    |
|             | [s/SEX] [mh/MEDICALHISTORY]           | s/Female mh/Diabetes            |
|             | DATE format: dd-mm-yyyy               |                                 |
|             | TIME format: HH:mm                    |                                 |
| Edit        | edit ic/NRIC /to [n/NAME]             | edit ic/S9534567A /to p/80976890|
|             | [newic/NEW_NRIC]  [p/PHONE_NUMBER]    | mh/Diabetes, Hypertension       |
|             | [ha/HOME_ADDRESS] [dob/DATE_OF_BIRTH] |                                 |
|             | [al/ALLERGY] [s/SEX]                  |                                 |
|             | [mh/MEDICALHISTORY]                   |                                 |
| Add Visit   | addVisit ic/NRIC v/VISIT_DATE_TIME    | addVisit ic/S9534567A           |
|             | [d/DIAGNOSIS] [m/MEDICATION]          | v/21-10-2024 15:48              |
|             | DATE format: dd-mm-yyyy               | d/Fever,Headache,Flu            |
|             | TIME format: HH:mm                    | m/Paracetamol,Ibuprofen         |
| Edit Visit  | editVisit ic/NRIC                     | editVisit ic/S7209876Y          |
|             | v/VISIT_DATE_AND_TIME                 | v/06-11-2024 14:00              |
|             | [newDate/NEW_DATE]  [d/DIAGNOSIS]     | newDate/08-11-2024 14:00        |
|             | [m/MEDICATION]                        | d/Asthma m/Panadol, Antibiotics |
|             | DATE format: dd-mm-yyyy               |                                 |
|             | TIME format: HH:mm                    |                                 |
| List        | list                                  | list                            |
| Find        | find n/NAME          OR               | find n/John Doe                 |
|             | find ic/NRIC         OR               | find ic/S1234                   |
|             | find p/PHONE_NUMBER  OR               | find p/91234567                 |
|             | find ha/HOME_ADDRESS OR               | find ha/NUS PGPR                |
|             | find dob/DATE_OF_BIRTH OR             | find dob/31-01-1990             |
|             | find al/ALLERGY      OR               | find al/Peanuts                 |
|             | find s/SEX           OR               | find find s/Female              |
|             | find mh/MEDICAL_HISTORY               | find mh/Diabetes                |
| Delete      | delete NRIC                           | delete S9534567A                |
| Add         | appointment n/NAME ic/NRIC            | add n/James Ho ic/S9534567A     |
| Appointment | date/DATE time/TIME                   | date/01-04-2025 time/12:00      |
|             | DATE format: dd-mm-yyyy               |                                 |
|             | TIME format: HH:mm                    |                                 |
| List        | listAppointments                      | listAppointments                |
| Appointment |                                       |                                 |
| Find        | findAppointment n/NAME          OR    | findAppointment n/John Doe      |
| Appointment | findAppointment ic/NRIC         OR    | findAppointment ic/S1234        |
|             | findAppointment date/DATE       OR    | findAppointment date/01-04-2025 |
|             | findAppointment time/TIME       OR    | findAppointment time/12:00      |
|             | DATE format: dd-mm-yyyy               |                                 |
|             | TIME format: HH:mm                    |                                 |
| Delete      | deleteAppointment NRIC                | deleteAppointment S9534567A     |
| Appointment | date/DATE time/TIME                   | date/01-04-2025 time/12:00      |
|             | DATE format: dd-mm-yyyy               |                                 |
|             | TIME format: HH:mm                    |                                 |
| Find        | findVisit NRIC                        | findVisit S9534567A             |
| Visits      |                                       |                                 |
| Find        | findDiagnosis diagnosis               | findDiagnosis fever             |
| Diagnosis   |                                       |                                 |
| Find        | findMedication medication             | findMedication Panadol          |
| Medication  |                                       |                                 |
| Save        | save(automatic)                       |                                 |
| Retrieve/   | retrieve or import                    |                                 |
| Import      | (automatic)                           |                                 |
| Exit        | exit                                  | exit                            |

Adding a Patient Record

Adds a new patient record to BookBob.

Note :
• Mandatory fields (name, NRIC, visit date and time) require user input to add a patient successfully. If any of these fields are missing, an error message will prompt the user to provide the missing inputs.
• Optional fields (denoted by square brackets above) include phone number, diagnoses, medications, home address, date of birth, allergies, sex and medical histories.
• If an input is incorrectly formatted but mandatory fields are correctly filled, the patient will still be added, with incorrectly formatted fields left empty and other inputs unaffected.
• Single diagnosis, medication, allergy and medical history can be added; Multiple diagnoses, medications, allergies and/or medical histories are also allowed, by separating them with commas.
• “add” command does not allow for adding future Dates&Time. Consider scheduling an appointment instead.
• Parameters entered in the input can be of any order or you may also choose to stick to the format above.

• Each field requires custom logic to validate inputs and printing meaningful error messages for the users. Examples:

  1. Names can only contain alphabets (both uppercase and lowercase), hyphens, slashes, commas and spaces.
  2. a Singapore NRIC must be 9 characters long, starting with “S” or “T”, containing numbers in the middle and ending with an alphabet) (case-insensitive).
    Duplicate NRIC entries are not allowed.
  3. Date of birth must be in the format: dd-MM-yyyy
  4. Sex can only be “F”, “Female”, “M” or “Male” (case-insensitive).
  5. a Singapore phone number must be 8 digits long and start with “8” or “9”)
  6. Home addresses can only contain alphabets (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, spaces and hyphens.
  7. Visit date and time must be in the format: dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm

Example: add n/James Ho ic/S9534567A p/91234567 d/Asthma m/Albuterol ha/NUS-PGPR dob/31-01-1995 v/21-10-2024 15:48 al/Pollen s/Female mh/Diabetes

Example Output:

Patient James Ho with NRIC S9534567A added.

Additional examples:

The examples above result in successful patient record additions, which are then saved automatically.

💡 Best Practices of using "add" command together with "addVisit" command :
1.) When a new patient visits the clinic, we use "add" command.
The "add" command is primarily used for adding a patient record with the patient's basic key details information (such as Name , NRIC , Phone Number), and that Name, NRIC, Patient's First Visit Date, are Compulsory fields.
Other Optional fields includes e.g. Phone Number, Home Address, DOB, and Diagnoses and Medications from patient's first visit.

2.) If the same patient(with same NRIC) comes back to the clinic for a new visit, we use "addVisit" command, to key in the visit Date&Time of this new visit event(which is a compulsory field along with NRIC), AND the Diagnoses of illnesses and Medications prescribed for this new visit event (which are optional fields).

3.) We then use "list" command to see all patient information.

Listing All Patient Records

Lists all patient records saved.
Format: list

Example Output:

Name: James Ho, NRIC: S9534567A, Phone: 91234567, Home Address: NUS-PGPR, DOB: 31-01-1990, Allergies: [Pollen], Sex: Female, Medical Histories: [Diabetes]
Visit Date: 21-10-2024 15:48, Diagnosis: [Asthma], Medications: [Albuterol]

Name: Patricia Chan, NRIC: S90890897U, Phone: , Home Address: , DOB: , Allergies: [], Sex: , Medical Histories: []
Visit Date: 04-11-2024 09:00, Diagnosis: [], Medications: []

Name: Jacky Cheung, NRIC: S7209876Y, Phone: 98765789, Home Address: Farrer Road, DOB: , Allergies: [], Sex: , Medical Histories: []
Visit Date: 06-11-2024 14:00, Diagnosis: [], Medications: []

🚨 NOTE: The example below is achieved by executing the commands in this exact order; "add" followed by "addVisit" followed by "list". Not by using the "add" command multiple times followed by "list".

Additional Example Output of the same Patient(with same NRIC) with multiple new visits during different dates, with different illness diagnosed and medications prescribed during the different visit event :

Name: Wang Ritz, NRIC: S8634567A, Phone: 91234567, Home Address: PGPR, DOB: 31-02-1990, Allergies: [grass], Sex: female, Medical Histories: [diabetes]
    Visit Date: 20-10-1995 12:35, Diagnosis: [], Medications: []
    Visit Date: 21-10-2004 15:48, Diagnosis: [Fever, Headache, Flu], Medications: [Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin]
    Visit Date: 29-09-2020 23:59, Diagnosis: [Fatigue, Dizziness, Cough], Medications: [Mint, Mentos, Coke]
    Visit Date: 31-10-2024 16:45, Diagnosis: [Myopia, Acid Reflux, Rhinitis], Medications: [Naproxen, Omeprazole, Zyrtec]

Finding a Patient Record

🚨 Note: this "find" command is to search for standard patient information and details.

BookBob has dedicated commands namely findAppointment, findVisit, findMedication, findDiagnosis, which you can read about in the next sections below.

“find” Searches for patient records based on search parameters such as name, NRIC, phone number, home address, date of birth, allergies, sex, or medical history.
Format: find Prefix/Value where Prefix can be:


Example Output:

Matching patients:
Name: John Doe, NRIC: S9534567A, Phone: 91234567, Home Address: Clementi Road, DOB: 01-01-1990, Allergies: [Peanuts], Sex: Male, Medical Histories: [Asthma]

Note :

Deleting a Patient Record

Deletes the patient record based on the given NRIC number
The delete function will only work on the NRIC number and not the patient’s name
Format: delete NRIC
Note: Deleting a Patient record is case-insensitive.

Example: delete S1234567A

Example Output:

Patient John Doe, S1234567A, has been deleted."

Example: delete John Doe

Example Output:

Please provide the NRIC of the patient, not the name.

Editing a Patient Record

Edits a current patient record saved in BookBob.
Format: edit ic/NRIC /to [n/NAME] [newic/NEW_NRIC] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [ha/HOME_ADDRESS] [dob/DATE_OF_BIRTH] [al/ALLERGY] [s/SEX] [mh/MEDICALHISTORY]

Note :
• The mandatory field is patient’s NRIC to search for the specific patient record to be edited. Then, anything after the /to are optional fields (denoted by square brackets above) include name, new NRIC, phone number, home address, date of birth, allergies, sex and medical histories. These are the new information to be updated for the patient.
• Single allergy and medical history can be added; Multiple allergies and/or medical histories are also allowed, by separating them with commas.
• Parameters entered in the input can be of any order or you may also choose to stick to the format above.
Example: edit ic/S9534567A /to p/80976890 al/Pollen, Dust

Example Output:

Patient record updated successfully.
Updated patient details:
Name: James Ho, NRIC: S9534567A, Phone: 80976890, Address: , DOB: , Allergy: [Pollen, Dust], Sex: Female, Medical History: []

Additional examples:

The examples above result in successful patient record updates, which are automatically saved.

Adding a Visit Record

Adds a new visit record for an existing patient.
Date and Time format must be in : dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm
• Single diagnosis and medications can be added; Multiple diagnoses and/or medications are also allowed, by separating them with commas.
• Compulsory fields are NRIC and Date&Time of visit, other fields are optional.
Example: addVisit ic/S9534567A v/21-10-2024 15:48 d/Fever,Headache,Flu m/Paracetamol,Ibuprofen

Example Output:

Visit added successfully for patient: John Doe
Visit date: 21-10-2024 15:48
Diagnoses: Fever, Headache, Flu
Medications: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen

Additional examples:

💭 Note: There are many Diagnoses and Medications with special characters. Hence, BookBob allows and does not ban special characters, in [diagnosis], [medications], [allergies], [medical histories] fields.

Examples : Ménière's disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Vitamin B₁₂, 5-Fluorouracil, L-thyroxine, α-Tocopherol, D₅W, 17β-Estradiol.

Editing a Visit Record

Edits a current visit record of a patient saved in BookBob.

Note :
• The mandatory fields for searching and editing a specific visit in a patient’s record are the patient’s NRIC and visit date. The optional fields (denoted by square brackets above) include new date, diagnosis and medication. These are the new information to be updated for the patient.
• Single diagnosis and medication can be added; Multiple diagnoses and/or medications are also allowed, by separating them with commas.
• Parameters entered in the input can be of any order or you may also choose to stick to the format above.
Example: editVisit ic/S7209876Y v/06-11-2024 14:00 d/Asthma m/Panadol, Antibiotics

Example Output:

Visit record updated successfully.
Updated visit details:
06-11-2024 14:00, Diagnosis: [Asthma], Medications: [Panadol, Antibiotics]

Additional examples:

The examples above result in successful visit record updates, which are automatically saved.

Finding Patient Visits

Finds a current visit record of a patient saved in BookBob in three ways, by NRIC, by diagnosis and by medication.

Format: findVisit NRIC
Note :
• Single NRIC to be entered. All corresponding visit records will be printed to terminal, with exactly matched NRIC.
Example: findVisit S7209876Y

Example Output:

Processing find visit command
Successfully processed find visit command
20-09-2024 18:00, Diagnosis: [Runny Nose], Medications: [Panadol, Antibiotics]

If nothing found:

No patient visit record found with NRIC: S7209876Y

By diagnosis:
Format: findDiagnosis diagnosis
Note :
• Single diagnosis to be entered (case-insensitive). All corresponding patients’ information and visit records will be printed to terminal, with exactly matched diagnosis.
Example: findDiagnosis Runny Nose

Example Output:

Name: Patricia Chan, NRIC: S9089087U, Phone: , Address: , DOB: , Allergy: [], Sex: , Medical History: []
20-09-2024 18:00, Diagnosis: [Runny Nose], Medications: [Panadol, Antibiotics]
Name: Jacky Cheung, NRIC: S7209876Y, Phone: 91234567 | DOB: , Address: Farrer Road, Allergy: [], Sex: , 
Medical History: []
06-11-2024 14:00, Diagnosis: [Runny Nose], Medications: [Panadol, Antibiotics]

If nothing found:

No patient found with symptom: Runny Nose

By Medication:
Format: findMedication medication
Note :
• Single medication to be entered (case-insensitive). All corresponding patients’ information and visit records will be printed to terminal, with exactly matched medication.
Example: findMedication Panadol

Example Output:

Name: Patricia Chan, NRIC: S9089087U, Phone: , Address: , DOB: , Allergy: [], Sex: , Medical History: []
20-09-2024 18:00, Diagnosis: [Runny Nose], Medications: [Panadol, Antibiotics]
Name: Jacky Cheung, NRIC: S7209876Y, Phone: 91234567, Address: Farrer Road, DOB: , Allergy: [], Sex: , Medical History: []
06-11-2024 14:00, Diagnosis: [Asthma], Medications: [Panadol, Antibiotics]

If nothing found:

No patient found with medication: Panadol

Adding a Patient Appointment

Adds an appointment for a patient on the date and time
If the selected appointment slot has already been taken, it will prompt the next available time slot
Format: appointment n/NAME ic/NRIC date/DATE time/TIME

Extra Information:

Date format is in DD-MM-YYYY and Time format is in HH:mm
All past appointments will be removed from the system upon exiting.
Appointments before today’s date and time will not be added.

Example: appointment n/John Doe ic/S1234567A date/18-11-2024 time/18:00

Example Output:

Appointment on 18-11-2024 18:00 with Patient John Doe, S1234567A has been added.

Example: appointment n/Will Smith ic/S7654321A date/18-11-2024 time/18:00

Example Output:

There is already an appointment at the given timeslot. The next available timeslot is: 18:30

Deleting a Patient Appointment

Delete an appointment for a patient on the date and time
Format: appointment ic/NRIC date/DATE time/TIME
Note: Deleting a Patient Appointment is case-insensitive.

Extra Information

Date format is in DD-MM-YYYY and time format is in HH:mm
The NRIC is case-insensitive

Example: deleteAppointment ic/S1234567A date/18-11-2024 time/18:00

Example Output:

Appointment on 18-11-2024 18:00 with Patient John Doe, S1234567A has been deleted.

List all Patient Appointments

List all the appointments on the schedule
Format: listAppointments

Example: listAppointments

Example Output:

Appointment on 18-11-2024 18:00 with Patient John Doe, S1234567A.
Appointment on 18-11-2024 18:00 with Patient Will Smith, S7654321A.

Finding a Patient Appointment

Find an appointment with a patient based on the given name, NRIC, date or time
Format: findAppointment n/NAME OR
findAppointment ic/NRIC OR
findAppointment date/DATE OR
findAppointment time/TIME

Extra Information:

Date format is in DD-MM-YYYY and Time format is in HH:mm The name and NRIC are case-insensitive

Example: findAppointment n/John

Example Output:

Appointment on 18-11-2024 18:00 with Patient John Doe, S1234567A.
Appointment on 30-11-2024 9:00 with Patient John Tan, S2468123A.

Example: findAppointment ic/S1234567A

Example Output:

Appointment on 18-11-2024 18:00 with Patient John Doe, S1234567A.

Example: findAppointment date/18-11-2024

Example Output:

Appointment on 18-11-2024 18:00 with Patient John Doe, S1234567A.
Appointment on 18-11-2024 18:00 with Patient Will Smith, S7654321A.

Example: findAppointment time/18:00

Example Output:

Appointment on 18-11-2024 18:00 with Patient John Doe, S1234567A.
Appointment on 20-11-2024 18:00 with Patient Hela, S9876543A.

Saving/Retrieving Patient Records and Appointment Records Data

Saving and retrieving are performed automatically whenever changes are made, with no additional commands required.

Exiting the Program

To exit the program, type exit exactly, with no extra spaces or characters following it. Format: exit


Data Management, Updates, & Migration

Q1 : How do I transfer my data to another computer?

A : Install the app on the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it generates with the data file from your previous BookBob home folder.

Q2: Can I use BookBob on multiple computers?

A: Yes, you can use BookBob on multiple computers by copying your data file between them. However, ensure you’re always working with the most recent version of your data.

Q3 : How do I export my data ?

A : Navigate to the “data” folder, copy your “bookbob_data” text file into your external storage device such as a thumbdrive, or external hard disk. The data file can then be used for your own storage and reference, can be a good backup, can be emailed to your colleagues, it can be used for your further analysis such as using Excel for your trend analysis.

Q4 : How often does BookBob back up my data?

A: BookBob automatically saves all changes immediately after they are made. However, we recommend creating manual backups of your data file periodically by copying it to a secure external storage device.

Patient Records

Q1: Is there a limit to how many patient records I can store?

A: No, BookBob is designed to handle a large number of patient records efficiently. However, performance may vary depending on your computer’s specifications.


Q1: Can I schedule recurring appointments?

A: Currently, each appointment needs to be scheduled individually. You can use the same time slot on different dates for regular check-ups.

Q2: How does BookBob handle appointment conflicts?

A: When you attempt to schedule an appointment in an occupied time slot, BookBob will automatically suggest the next available time slot.

Visit Records

Q1: Can I add multiple diagnoses and medications for a single visit?

A: Yes, you can add multiple diagnoses and medications by separating them with commas. For example: d/Fever,Headache,Flu m/Paracetamol,Ibuprofen

Q2: How far back can I view a patient’s visit history?

A: BookBob maintains a complete history of all patient visits since their first record. There is no time limit on historical data.

System Requirements & Technical Support

Q1: What operating systems is BookBob compatible with?

A: BookBob is compatible with any operating system that supports Java 17, including Windows, macOS, and Linux distributions.


Q1: What is the setting and scope of BookBob?

A: BookBob is specialised for the Singapore setting, with NRICs starting with “S” or “T”, and with Phone Numbers having exactly eight digits and starting with “9” or “8”.

Q2: Can 24/7 clinics use BookBob?

A: Yes, definitely. BookBob is intended to support 24/7 clinics. Day Clinics are also welcomed to use BookBob.

Appendix A: Miscellaneous

• Regarding a “global universal in-sync time check” to prevent any Date&Time clashes at all
BookBob currently guards against duplicate exact Date&Time clashes for the following situations :
1.) Same patient entering a new visit at the clinic, at the exact same Date&Time of a previous visit.
2.) Appointment clashes, e.g. different Patients(or even same patient) attempting to schedule an appointment with a timeslot that has already been occupied.
• BookBob will prompt patient to schedule at the next available time.

BookBob currently does not guard against duplicate exact Date&Time clashes for the following situations :
1.) Scheduled Appointment time and a Walk-in consultation visit at the same exact time.
Reason : It could be possible that a patient with an emergency visited the clinic. We cannot reject/deny/decline such emergency unscheduled walk-in patients.
2.) Walk-in consultation visits of two different patients at the exact same time.
Reason : It could be possible that the two patients arrived at the clinic with emergencies. We cannot reject/deny/decline such emergency unscheduled walk-in patients.

Command Summary

Action Format Example
Help help help
Add patient record add n/NAME ic/NRIC [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [d/DIAGNOSIS] [m/MEDICATION] [ha/HOME_ADDRESS] [dob/DATE_OF_BIRTH] v/VISIT_DATE_TIME [al/ALLERGY] [s/SEX] [mh/MEDICALHISTORY] add n/James Ho ic/S9534567A p/91234567 d/Asthma m/Albuterol ha/NUS-PGPR dob/31-01-1990 v/21-10-2024 15:48 al/Pollen s/Female mh/Diabetes
Edit patient record edit ic/NRIC /to [n/NAME] [newic/NEW_NRIC] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [ha/HOME_ADDRESS] [dob/DATE_OF_BIRTH] [al/ALLERGY] [s/SEX] [mh/MEDICAL_HISTORY] edit ic/S9534567A /to p/80976890 mh/Diabetes, Hypertension
DATE format: dd-MM-yyyy
TIME format: HH:mm
addVisit ic/S9534567A v/21-10-2024 15:48 d/Fever,Headache,Flu m/Paracetamol,Ibuprofen
Edit Visit editVisit ic/NRIC v/VISIT_DATE_TIME [newDate/NEW_DATE] [d/DIAGNOSIS] [m/MEDICATION]
DATE format: dd-MM-yyyy
TIME format: HH:mm
editVisit ic/S7209876Y v/06-11-2024 14:00 d/Asthma m/Panadol, Antibiotics
List list list
Find find n/NAME OR
find ic/NRIC OR
find al/ALLERGY OR
find s/SEX OR
find n/John Doe
find ic/S9234567A
find p/91234567
find ha/NUS PGPR
find dob/31-01-1990
find al/Peanuts
find s/Female
find mh/Diabetes
Delete delete NRIC delete S9534567A
Add Appointment appointment n/NAME ic/NRIC date/DATE time/TIME
DATE format: dd-MM-yyyy
TIME format: HH:mm
appointment n/James Ho ic/S9534567A date/01-04-2025 time/12:00
List Appointment listAppointments listAppointments
Find Appointment findAppointment n/NAME OR
findAppointment ic/NRIC OR
findAppointment date/DATE OR
findAppointment time/TIME
DATE format: dd-MM-yyyy
TIME format: HH:mm
findAppointment n/John Doe
findAppointment ic/S9234567A
findAppointment date/01-04-2025
findAppointment time/12:00
Delete Appointment deleteAppointment NRIC date/DATE time/TIME
DATE format: dd-MM-yyyy
TIME format: HH:mm
deleteAppointment S9534567A date/01-04-2025 time/12:00
Find Visits findVisit NRIC findVisit S9534567A
Find Diagnosis findDiagnosis diagnosis findDiagnosis fever
Find Medication findMedication medication findMedication Panadol
Exit exit exit