Cora Zhang - Project Portfolio Page


BookBob is a desktop application tailored for Dr Bob’s private General Practitioner clinic. It facilitates the storage and retrieval of patient information, including names, NRICs, genders, dates of birth, phone numbers, home addresses, allergies, medical histories and visit records with details on diagnoses and prescribed medications. BookBob also tracks daily appointments by providing reminders every time the application is opened. Designed for use with a Command Line Interface (CLI), BookBob streamlines the management of patient records and appointment.

Summary of Contributions

Contributions to the Developer Guide

## Appendix B : User Stories

| Version | As a...  | I want to...                                                          | So that I can...                                                    |
| v1.0    | new user | see usage instructions for BookBob                                    | quickly understand how to use the app                               |
| v1.0    | new user | input a complex patient case                                          | test BookBob's capabilities thoroughly                              |
| v1.0    | user     | quickly search for a patient record                                   | retrieve information efficiently during consultations               |
| v1.0    | user     | delete case patient information                                       | retain patient information which I am still actively taking care of |
| v1.0    | user     | set up automatic backups of my patient data                           | never lose important information due to technical issues            |
| v2.0    | user     | view my daily appointments at a glance                                | prepare for my day efficiently                                      |
| v2.0    | user     | easily refer to and update a patient's care plan over multiple visits | ensure consistent, long-term care                                   |                                       

Contributions to the User Guide